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Pinhole and the Expedition to the Jungle

Book Jacket illustration for Pinhole and the Expedition to the Jungle

Get copies for yourself and for everyone you know

This is a print on demand (POD) book. That means that when you order it from Amazon, here, it’ll be printed and then sent to you. (I think they print a number of copies so they have some in stock.)

So what’s the difference between POD books and traditional printed books?
Well, since there aren’t a whole lot of Pinhole books printed at once, they don’t have to be shipped to a warehouse, then sent to bookstores, and then (if only a few people buy the book) any books left over don’t have to be pulped. So with POD, there’s no waste. We only print as many as people order.

Did you know that 50% of all traditionally-produced books are thrown away? That’s a really big waste of paper (and trees).

Soon you’ll be able to get a version for the iPad, and we’re working on an audio version, so younger children can look at the pictures, and hear the words (and jungly sounds.)

  • Pinhole and the Expedition to the Jungle
    ISBN 9781934978306
    2010 © Nigel Holmes